Draft Drawing/ro

Both the command and the Drawing Workbench it works with are not available in version 0.21 and above. Use the TechDraw Workbench and the TechDraw DraftView command instead.

Draft Drawing

poziția meniului
Drafting → Drawing
Draft, Arch
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Prezentat în versiune
A se vedea, de asemenea,
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The Draft Drawing command inserts views of selected objects into a drawing page.

This command is similar to the Drawing View command but is optimized for Draft objects. Contrary to that command, it can handle specific objects such as Draft Dimensions and Draft Texts, and it can render faces.

This command is now obsolete. Use the TechDraw Workbench and the TechDraw DraftView command instead.

On the left the selected Draft objects. On the right the created drawing views.

Cum se folosește

  1. Selectați obiectele pe care doriți să le puneți pe o foaie de desen
  2. Apasă pe Draft Drawing button